Bengali actor Mithun Chakraborty whose upcoming movie "Nobel Chor" is scheduled to release on Feb 17 said that he had to eat a lot of rice to develop belly to fit into his character.
"I ate more rice to develop a tummy and fit into the character but usually I am not so much fond of rice," revealed the actor.
In the movie "Nobel Chor" Chakraborty will be seen essaying the role of a poor farmer named "Bhanu" who gets involved in the theft of Bengali scholar Rabindranath Tagore's Nobel prize.
"I was equally shocked as a Bengali when I came to know about the loss of Tagore's Nobel," said the actor, referring to the 2004 theft that to this day remains unsolved.
Speaking about Suman Ghosh, the director of the movie, he said:" I am very impressed with Suman as a director. He has treated a subject beautifully and of course it is not a small subject."
The Disco Dancer star, who made a cult fan following with his 1980s movies, said: "Every year I do at least one Bengali movie. I believe if regional movies from other states can do so well then why not us."
Asked if he finds any difference between the movies of yesteryear and movies of present times he said: "Acting has not changed but techniques has. Techniques can help us but not all the time. It can never help one in acting."
Talking about his message to budding actors, he said: "I have no message for them but I would say be honest to your work."
Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:48 IST